Book Highlights:
Veiling and Unveiling has been a great debate between scholars and even a common person gets disturbed what to do in such scenario. The book is a solution highlighting the importance of Veiling and revealing the problem by showcasing all the facets. A comparison between Veiling and Unveiling by Darussalam is a book for the Muslim women.
It is written by Halah Bint Abdullah and its introduction is written by Sheikh Abdullah Ahmed Al Swailem. By featuring verses from the Quran and authentic Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the book outlines a detailed comparison of a woman in Hijab and one without. It also encourages Muslim women to cover themselves properly and explains the importance of modesty.
Authoress Bio:
The authoress, Halah Bint Abdullah the daughter of Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud was the member of royal family and she wrote a lot in accordance with female literature. She also raise voice to defend the rights of women. She spent a painful life as she was sentenced to death in September 2021. She was the member of Saudi Fatawa Committee and she felt the issues of women and collected the strong point of views of Scholars to solve the problem and preserved in her book.