Overview and Outcomes:
Taqwiyat-ul-Imaan is a great work of a great person, Shah Ismail Shaheed. He dedicated this book to the most important subject of Tawhid, a oneness of Allah S.W.T. It is a comprehensive work on Tawhid and explain all the types of shirk and also the implication of Tawhid in one’s life. It is one of the most comprehensive works on Tawhid. Tauheed is the basic and first pillar of Islam. If a person goes in doubt in tauheed he cannot rank him up by doing all other deeds. The book is designed to understand tauheed and the thins which make disturbance in the strong faith of a Muslim.
About the Author:
Shah Ismail Shaheed was one of the most highly respected scholars of the history of Islam. He was an Indian scholar and he had a great work on the topic of Tauheed. He was the senior member of Jihad movement in India. He is Well-known for his activities and strong faith. He is also remembered for spreading oneness of Allah in India.