Al-Jami' al-Kamil fi al-Hadith as-Sahih al-Shamil is an extensive 12-volume collection that gathers authentic Hadiths, meticulously compiled to provide a comprehensive and reliable resource for Islamic studies. This monumental work aims to consolidate sahih (authentic) Hadiths from various primary sources, ensuring that students, scholars, and researchers have access to a single, cohesive reference that encompasses all aspects of Islamic teachings and prophetic guidance.
Compiled by renowned Hadith scholars, Al-Jami' al-Kamil organizes narrations by topic, covering themes such as worship, legal rulings, ethics, and social conduct, making it a valuable resource for in-depth research and practical application. Each Hadith is carefully verified to meet the criteria of authenticity, providing assurance of its reliability and adherence to the rigorous standards of Hadith science.
This set is ideal for Arabic readers looking to deepen their knowledge of Hadith literature, offering both breadth and precision in a well-organized format. Its structure and scholarly rigor make it an essential addition to the library of any serious student of Islamic sciences.