Islamic Manners Written by one of the outstanding scholars of the 20th Century, Islamic Manners is a vital book that exemplifies the sublime Islamic personality. Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah (1917-1997) was a leading scholar in the field of hadith and strove in not only narrating Prophetic traditions but also making them a living reality.
Main Features:
This book discusses essential Adab (manners) and covers the following areas:
- The Scope of Islamic Manners in the society.
- Importance of Appearance and personality building of a person.
- Entering and Leaving a House
- The Manners of Visiting places or as a guest.
- The Manners of Conversation and talking to others.
- Social Manners in the society.
- Communicating with non-Muslims.
- The Manners of Eating.
- Manners about attending Weddings.
- Visiting the Sick and praying for them.
- Condolences and its manners.
Author Bio:
Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah was a famous Syrian Scholar and Author. He was expert in theology, Jurisprudence(Fiqh) and in Hadith. He was particularly famous for his knowledge about Islamic creed(Aqeedah).He authored numerous books on different Islamic topics including, Figh, theology, Aqeedah, and ethics. His writings are highly regarded for his clarity, precision and knowledge.