Discover comprehensive Islamic guidance on parenthood from ‘Now You Are A Mother.’ Learn about motherhood, child-rearing, and Islamic values to prepare for the rewarding journey of parenthood.

Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience, and Islam offers profound guidance on this journey. The book “Now You Are A Mother” from Darussalam provides invaluable insights into Islamic parenting guidance, blending modern wisdom with timeless Islamic teachings.

The Significance of Motherhood in Islam

In Islam, mothers hold a special place of honor. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of mothers when he said, “Paradise lies at the feet of your mother.” This hadith highlights the role of mothers in Islam and the immense respect they deserve.

‘Now You Are A Mother’: A Comprehensive Guide

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“Now You Are A Mother” is a unique resource that combines contemporary parenting advice with Islamic principles. It serves as a beacon for Muslim parents navigating the challenges of raising children in today’s world while staying true to their faith.

The Role of Parents in Islam

Islamic teachings place great emphasis on the importance of family in Islam. Parents are entrusted with the crucial task of nurturing their children’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The book highlights the importance of raising children to be respectful towards others, compassionate in their actions, and mindful of their duties to Allah.

Shaping the Child’s Future

Parents, especially mothers, play a pivotal role in shaping their child’s character and future. The book “Now You Are A Mother” offers practical advice on:

  • Spiritual upbringing in Islam
  • Moral development in Islamic parenting
  • Fostering a strong parent-child relationship in Islam

Islamic Teachings on Honoring Parents

The Quran repeatedly emphasizes the importance of respecting and honoring parents. Allah says:

“And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.” (Quran 31:14)

This verse underscores the duties of Muslim parents and the reciprocal responsibility of children to honor their parents. One of the core messages of the book is that raising children in Islam is not just about discipline, but also about teaching empathy, kindness, and faith.

Darussalam’s Commitment to Authentic Islamic Knowledge

Darussalam, as a leading Islamic bookstore, is dedicated to providing authentic Islamic literature. “Now You Are A Mother” is just one example of their commitment to offering resources that help Muslims navigate life’s challenges with faith and wisdom.

Preparing for Parenthood: Key Islamic Teachings

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Duaas and Prayers for Expectant Mothers

Islam encourages expectant mothers to turn to Allah for protection and ease during pregnancy. Here are some practices highlighted in Now You Are A Mother:

  • Recite Surah Maryam: For an easy labor and to seek Allah’s blessings.
  • Duaa for Child’s Piety: Ask Allah for righteous offspring, as Prophet Zakariya did in the Quran.
  • Daily Supplications: Include Bismillah before meals and Alhamdulillah after eating to start creating a spiritual atmosphere even before the child is born.

These prayers serve as spiritual tools for the mother, ensuring that her journey into parenthood is centered on faith.

Parenting in Light of the Quran and Sunnah

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ provided profound guidance on how to treat and nurture children:

  • Kindness and Compassion: The Prophet was known for his gentleness with children, setting an example for all Muslim parents.
  • Teaching Responsibility Early: The Quran encourages parents to instill responsibility in their children, teaching them the importance of worship, family ties, and respect for elders.

In Now You Are A Mother, these principles are brought to life, helping parents to model their parenting based on the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) example.

Early Childhood Development in Islam

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Spiritual Upbringing

Early childhood is the ideal time to introduce Islamic routines. This ensures that Islamic practices become ingrained in the child’s daily life.

  • Start with Simple Prayers: Teach children to say Bismillah before eating, Assalamu Alaikum when greeting others, and other small duas.
  • Incorporate Quran Recitation: Reciting the Quran regularly in the home exposes children to the words of Allah from a young age.

As explained in The Review of Religions and supported in Now You Are A Mother, establishing these habits early fosters a deep connection to Islam in children.

Emotional and Physical Support for New Mothers

The Mother’s Journey

New mothers face a unique blend of emotional and physical challenges as they transition into motherhood. Fatigue, hormonal changes, and the emotional toll of constant caregiving can make this time both joyful and overwhelming. Now You Are A Mother acknowledges these struggles, providing emotional support and advice for mothers navigating this new phase of life.

  • Physical Challenges: The book offers practical tips on handling postpartum recovery, managing sleepless nights, and balancing personal health with the demands of caring for a newborn.
  • Emotional Well-being: Beyond the physical, Now You Are A Mother emphasizes the importance of emotional health. It encourages mothers to take time for self-care and spiritual reflection, using faith as a source of strength during tough times.

The Importance of Support Systems

Islamic teachings place a strong emphasis on community and family support, especially for new mothers. In Now You Are A Mother, the author stresses the importance of relying on support networks during early motherhood.

  • Family Support: Mothers are encouraged to seek help from their extended families, as raising a child is viewed as a collective responsibility in Islam.
  • Community Involvement: The book also emphasizes the role of community in providing emotional and physical support, aligning with the Islamic tradition of mutual care and assistance​.

Challenges of Modern Parenthood

Balancing Faith with Modern Challenges

Today’s parents face a myriad of challenges, including the influence of social media, career pressures, and maintaining an Islamic household. Islam provides a framework to navigate these complexities, and Now You Are A Mother offers advice on balancing modern responsibilities while upholding faith.

  • Social Media: Parents are encouraged to manage their family’s exposure to social media and other digital distractions, ensuring that children’s spiritual and moral development remains a priority.
  • Work-Life Balance: The book stresses the importance of creating a balanced home environment where both parents share responsibilities while maintaining an Islamic routine, including regular prayer and Quran recitation​.

The Father’s Role in Islamic Parenting

Shared Responsibilities

Islam emphasizes the role of both parents in raising children. While the mother’s role is often highlighted, the father plays an equally important part in the spiritual and emotional development of the child.

  • Spiritual Guidance: Fathers are responsible for leading their families in prayer, teaching the Quran, and instilling Islamic values in their children. The Review of Religions points out that fathers are key figures in the child’s early moral education​
  • Emotional Development: Fathers also play a crucial role in the emotional well-being of their children. By showing compassion, patience, and understanding, fathers help create a nurturing and supportive environment​.

Together, both parents share the duty of raising righteous, responsible, and spiritually grounded children.

Raising Righteous Children in Today’s World

Teaching Respect and Compassion

Instilling good manners, respect, and empathy is at the heart of Islamic parenting. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ consistently emphasized the importance of raising children with adab (good manners) and akhlaq (good character). In today’s world, where influences from media, social interactions, and modern culture can sometimes clash with Islamic values, it is vital for parents to be intentional in teaching these qualities to their children.

Key Methods for Instilling Respect and Compassion:

  • Modeling Behavior: Children learn by observing their parents. In Now You Are A Mother, the author emphasizes the importance of parents embodying the values they wish to instill, such as treating others with kindness and showing respect for elders​.
  • Teaching Through Stories: Islamic traditions are filled with stories from the Quran and Hadith that highlight the virtues of respect and compassion. Sharing these stories regularly can help children internalize these values.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Encouraging and praising acts of kindness and respect helps reinforce these behaviors, making them a natural part of the child’s character​.

Through consistent effort, parents can raise children who are not only successful in worldly matters but also righteous and compassionate individuals who contribute positively to society.


Now You Are A Mother provides an invaluable resource for Muslim mothers navigating the challenges and joys of parenthood. The book emphasizes the balance between using Islamic teachings and trusting one’s own instincts as a parent. It offers a holistic guide that integrates modern parenting challenges with the timeless wisdom found in the Quran and Sunnah.

Key Takeaways:

  • Spiritual and Moral Development: The book offers practical advice on instilling Islamic values from birth, ensuring that children grow up with a strong moral foundation.
  • Community and Support: Islam encourages mothers to seek support from family and the wider community, highlighting the importance of collective care in raising children.
  • Balancing Modern Challenges with Faith: By integrating faith into daily routines, parents can help their children navigate the complexities of modern life while staying connected to their Islamic identity.

By relying on Islamic teachings and parental instincts, mothers can confidently embrace the journey of raising righteous children in today’s world.