Akhlaaq Comes Alive (A Fun way to Learn and Practice Moral values) - English

Hard, 9788178989969, Goodword, SR. Nafees khan, english, 55, 17x24
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0.18 kg
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Often elders find it difficult to find a fun way to teach children akhlaaq,that is,moral values and good manners in Islam. All About Akhlaaq,being a fun book,will aid them in this. Designed for use at home and school,it covers a wide range of moral issues and the occasions in daily life when good manners are essential. Colourful and story-filled,with an easy-to-use format and short skits,it will give a better understanding of each akhlaaq by encouraging children,parents and teachers to engage in role playing. Each theme,listed alphabetically,is expressed in simple language and has attractive illustrations on every page. What better way to learn akhlaaq than by acting it out! So,be active and practice akhlaaq!


Fatima Ali
A brilliant way to instill moral values in children. The interactive and fun approach makes learning ethical principles enjoyable for young minds. A must-have for parents and educators looking to nurture good character in their children.
Zainab Ahmed
While the book is entertaining, it lacks depth in exploring moral values. Some topics could be covered more comprehensively to provide a more profound understanding. It's a good starting point for introducing values, but may leave older readers wanting mo
Yusuf Farouq
Akhlaaq Comes Alive truly brings moral values to life in a delightful way. The interactive exercises and engaging content make it a fantastic resource for parents teaching children the importance of good character. Highly recommended!
Akhlaaq Comes Alive serves as an effective tool for moral education. The fun activities and relatable examples make it engaging for children. While it's not exhaustive, it provides a solid foundation for understanding and practicing moral values.
Aisha Rahman
While the book is suitable for younger children, it may be too simplistic for older readers. A more nuanced approach to moral values, suitable for various age groups, would enhance its overall appeal. Not ideal for older kids or teenagers.

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