75 Question & Answer on Hajj & Umrah - English

Soft, 9786035001359, Darussalam Publishers, Dr. Zahoor Ali Shaikh, english, 128, 14x21
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Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam Hajj is obligatory for every adult Muslim with a sound mind,who can afford,once in a lifetime.

I have tried to put it in Question/Answer format,in a way that a Muslim who starts his journey from his home to perform Umrah and/or Hajj will think about,what to do next and how to do it. Keeping that in mind,I have tried to write the chapters in Question/Answer format so as to make the journey of Umrah and Hajj easy and understandable.

This book contains 75 questions/answers with flow charts and figures,Hajj by Prophet and its salient features,the chapter on Du'a,and Arabic words to help a pilgrim [Hajji] to communicate in Arabic during Hajj. I hope a reader will find this book very useful.

From the Back Cover: 

  • 75 Q&A on Hajj & Umrah in a simple manner
  • Important points of Hajj
  • Arabic words and their meanings to make communication easy
  • Flowcharts to explain points of Hajj & Umrah
  • Chapter of supplications


Ahmed Farouq
A practical approach to Hajj & Umrah, this book simplifies complex matters into easy-to-understand Q&A. The practical tips and insights enhance the reader's preparation, making it an excellent resource for those planning their pilgrimage.
Aisha Khan
For those seeking a quick reference, 75 Question & Answer on Hajj & Umrah covers the basics effectively. The Q&A format is user-friendly, making it accessible for beginners. While not exhaustive, it serves its purpose for those looking for concise informa
Mariam Ahmed
75 Question & Answer on Hajj & Umrah provides a mixed bag of information. While some sections are informative and helpful, others lack the depth needed for a comprehensive understanding. It's a decent starting point but may leave readers wanting more.
Farida Hassan
75 Question & Answer on Hajj & Umrah is an invaluable guide for anyone embarking on the sacred pilgrimage. The straightforward Q&A format makes it easy to understand, providing practical insights for a fulfilling Hajj and Umrah journey. A must-have for ev
Amir Ali
While this book touches on important aspects, it falls short in providing a comprehensive guide to Hajj & Umrah. Some sections left me wanting more depth and detail. It's a decent starting point, but additional resources may be needed for a thorough under
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