
Islamic manners play an important role in a Muslim’s life; promote mutual cooperation and a sense of community. By promoting respect, kindness, and honesty, these manners build strong relationships with family, friends, and neighbors. They encourage compassion, empathy, and social responsibility, creating a supportive environment. Maintaining good morals reflects one’s faith and character, enhancing personal and collective well-being. Here some Islamic manners are briefly but comprehensively mentioned:

1. Greeting others (Saying Salam) – The Importance and greatness of saying “As-Salamu Alaikum” and its benefits.

Saying greetings (Salaam) to other Muslim is a great Islamic manner that distinguishes Islam from other religions and increases the honor and dignity of a Muslim in the hearts of other people. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that:

You will not be able to enter Paradise until you fully believe and you will not be able to become full of faith until you love each other. Should I not tell you such an act that when you do it, you will start loving each other?

“Make it common to greet each other” (Sahih Muslim: 54)

Thus Sayyiduna Imran bin Hussain (RA) narrates that a person came to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and he said, “Peace be upon you (Assalam u Alikum).” He (PBUH) said, “There are ten good deeds for him.” Another person came and said, “Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy (Assalam u Alikum wa Rahmatullah).” He said, “There are twenty good deeds for him.” The third person came and said, “Peace be upon you, may Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you (Assalam u alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.” He said, “There are thirty good deeds for him.” (Sunan Abi Dawud: 5195)

The above lines tell that whenever a Muslim say salaam to another Muslim, the good deeds increased for the both persons.

2. Respecting Parents – The Islamic point of view on honoring and caring for one’s parents.

Respecting parents and behaving kindly towards them is very important manner of Islam that has been emphasized many times a both Quran & Hadith, the value of being kind and soft with parents can be judged that the disobedience to parents has been declared as disobedience to Allah and declared it a very big sin. The Almighty Allah has described this topic clearly in the Quran saying:

And your Lord has commanded that you worship Allah alone and be kind to your parents (Al-Qur’an).

The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, said: “someone is very unlucky and big sinner who does not earn Paradise by serving his parents in their old age.” (Sahih Muslim: 6510)

3. Kindness to Neighbors – Exploring the Islamic teachings on neighborly relations and its importance for social life.

There has been a lot of emphasis in Islam on treating one’s neighbor well. Muslims are commanded to live by creating the best society and this is possible only when every person treats his neighbors well. The Messenger of Allah PBUH said:

The Angel Jibrail has always enjoined me to be kind to my neighbors; even I thought that he might soon entitle him to an inheritance. (Sahih Bakari: 6010)

4. Politeness in speaking – The importance of using kind and respectful words to others

Using kind and respectful language in conversation is a very favorite moral in Islam. Allah Almighty has made this manner special identity for Muslims in the Holy Qur’an, and the prophet Muhammad PBUH many times in his hadith order a Muslim to adopt this great manner and invited others to follow it. It is a great manner which not only causes to a Muslim to increase good deed but it also beautifies a muslim’s individual and collective life. It has a very positive impact on Islamic social life. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said:

“He who does not adopt gentleness and respect to other in his personality, indeed he is deprived of much good”. (Sahih Muslim: 2592)

5. Avoiding Backbiting – Understanding the Islamic point of view about it and its prohibition in Islam.

Backbiting means mentioning one’s faults to others in his absence. It is very bad habit that has a strong fear of the deterioration of both the religion and the world. It causes a decrease in good deeds and makes a servant fall in the eyes of people. Allah Almighty has said in the Quran:

And do not backbite one another. (Al-Hujurat:12)

6. Dress Code – The significance of modesty in clothing for Muslim person.

“Clothe” is a great blessing of Allah Almighty, it is a natural desire and inborn need of a human being which is attached to him from the very first day of his life.

In Islamic point of view every person should wear clothes that are modest and dignified, as well as suitable for the weather. Allah Ta’ala mentioned the blessing of clothing and said,

In Islamic point of view every person should wear clothes that are modest and dignified, as well as suitable for the weather. Allah Ta’ala mentioned the blessing of clothing and said,

“O children of Adam, We have revealed clothing to you to hide the shameful parts of your body and to be a means of adornment and protection for you) the cloth of piety is best for you. (Surah Al-A’raf 26)

7. Respecting Elders – The importance of respecting older members of the community in the light of Sharia.

Islam orders to treat elders with respect and compassion and strictly prohibits treating them rudely, disrespecting and despising them. Remember that the success of this world and the hereafter is hidden in respecting the elders of the society.

The Messenger of Allah PBUH said: Who did not show mercy to those younger than him and did not respect those older than him. He is not one of us. (Sunan Tirmidhi: 1919)

8. Helpfulness and Charity – The encouragement to assist those in need and perform acts of charity.

Charity means, to pay voluntarily to needy to please God in the shape of money, things or good saying, it is a weapon that cools the anger of the God, charity should be the habit of every Muslim according to his financial status, because it removes the troubles, trials, difficulties and problems from life. it doesn’t only benefits in worldly life but also will give a great benefits in the day of judgment. While explaining the reward and importance of charity, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

The one who gives charity will be given the shade of Allah’s Throne on the Day of Judgment. (Bukhari:660)

9. Forgiveness and Patience – The importance of being forgiving and patient with others.

Forgiveness and patience are the qualities that turn enmity into friendship. The beauty of relationships is that they thrive and grow with flexibility, gentleness and forgiveness. Of course, mistakes are made by people, but admitting one’s mistake and asking for forgiveness for it, and forgiving the affected person, are great habits and very loved by God. Allah almighty is saying in the holy Quran:

So forgive and always be kind, do you not like that Allah forgives you, and Allah is very Forgiving and Most Merciful.(Al-Noor:22)

10. Visiting the Sick – The virtues associated in Sharia with visiting those who are ill.

As the religion of Islam encourages us to increase their happiness by supporting others in their happiness, in the same way, it encourages us to consider the pain of others as our own pain, to participate in it and to try to solve it.

The hallmark of a Muslim is that when he sees another Muslim in trouble and pain, he feels the same pain in his body. One of the best manners of Islam is that a Muslim should visit his sick Muslim brother and encourage him.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) encouraged this manner and said:

A Muslim has a right over another Muslim to visit him when he is sick. Sahih Bukhari: 1240


These are some of the Islamic manners described in the above lines while in Islam there are many other beautiful manners which are described in different places and in different ways in Quran and Hadith. By following these great manners in daily life, a Muslim gets a distinguished status from all other peoples. So we all should try to follow these unique manners of Islam as well as try to invite others to add these manners in their life.


1. Is there any book in the world in which these manners have been described in detail?

Yes of course! There are many books in the world written in different language on these great Islamic manners but two excellent books on this topic have been published by, the study of these above books provides a great information on many more aspects of Islamic manners.

2. Can these books be bought online?

Yes, of course! These two books and others thousands books published by Darussalam can be bought online by visiting from all over the world.