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Author: Mahnoor

Darussalam Publishers > Articles by: Mahnoor

Do Cats Bring Angels to The House in Islam?

Have you ever wondered why your cat seems so special? It is said to be believed by some people in Islam that cats bring angels to our homes. Is it true? Does a cat bring an angel into one’s home?…

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Top 10 Islamic Books to Read in 2024

Top 10 Islamic Books to Read in 2024

Are you on the lookout for spiritual Islamic books to enhance your knowledge in 2024? With millions of options available, you might be confused right now and unable to make the right decision. You do not have to worry as…

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Minor and Major Signs Before the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah)

Do you sometimes think about what are indicators telling you the day of Judgement day is closer? This is a question many people would ask. The significance of this is that knowing these signs aids in improving our understanding of…

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Best and Fast Way to Learn Arabic as a Beginner: Top Tips and Resources

Starting your journey as a newbie in learning Arabic? Well done! Soon you will be entering a world full of intriguing ideas in languages and cultures. Arabic is considered the most beautiful of all languages. It is characterized by the…

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Islam 101: What is The First Step to Converting to Islam?

Conversion to any religion including Islam is a journey that could get in someone’s core being. It usually arises from a deep comprehension, a spiritual attachment, and an obligation to the ideologies and lifestyle of the new religion. In this…

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An Intricate Guide: How to Pray in Islam

In the heart of Muslim tradition lies an act of spiritual surrender and profound devotion called Salah or Salat, a more formal term for Muslim prayer. The phrase "how to pray in Islam" goes beyond simply learning steps; it is…

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The Biggest Sin in Islam: Unfolding the Layers

The aspects of sins in Islam — their division into major and minor categories, the separate types of sins in Islam, and their consequences — are significant for anyone aspiring to walk the righteous path of the Islamic faith. Within…

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What is Shirk in Islam: An Understandable Definition

Within Islamic beliefs, few concepts rival the gravity of 'Shirk' due to its fundamental nature. Regarded as a cardinal sin, Shirk poses profound implications. It questions the very core of Islamic monotheism, impacting both individuals and societies.  Shirk encompasses attributing…

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What to Say When Someone Dies in Islam: The Nuances of Islamic Condolences

Unraveling the Islamic Way of Expressing Condolences and Comforting the Bereaved Life comprise­s a path adorned with both moments of happiness and sorrow. Ine­vitably, death becomes an inte­gral part of this journey, often rende­ring us speechless. Navigating the appropriate words…

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