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Author: Mahnoor

Darussalam Publishers > Articles by: Mahnoor

What does the Quran say about Mental Health?

Mental health is as significant as physical health, yet it is often met with less empathy and understanding, particularly within various cultural contexts. Islam, however, provides a holistic approach to well-being, which includes psychological health. Exploring what the Quran says…

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What is Seerah? The Life Journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Explained

Understanding the Seerah, the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is paramount to comprehend the essence of Islamic teachings and the underpinnings of Muslim culture. This blog post vividly narrates the extraordinary life journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), articulating the significance,…

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Top 10 Essential Sunnah Books Every Muslim Should Read

As the second source of Islamic jurisprudence, the Sunnah—the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)—holds an esteemed position in a Muslim's life. It guides us in facets of worship, ethics, and social relations. For those…

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The Prohibition of Oppression in Islam: Exploring Quranic Verses and Hadiths

In a world where injustice often seems to rear its ugly head, Islam stands as a beacon of hope, advocating for justice and the unequivocal prohibition of oppression. The religion's scriptures—the Holy Quran and the Hadith Books—are replete with verses and…

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Top 10 Must-Read Hadith Books in 2024 from Darussalam Publishers

In the pursuit of spiritual growth and Islamic knowledge, hadiths serve as the guiding stars that complement the teachings of the Quran. As we continue to seek understanding and depth in our faith, Darussalam Publishers stands out with its commitment…

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Scientific Explanations vs. Religious Interpretations: Earthquakes as the Sign of End Times

Throughout history, earthquakes have rattled our world, leaving behind a trail of destruction but also a flurry of questions and interpretations. For ages, humans have sought understanding from two major perspectives — the scientific explanations based on geologic processes and…

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What Are the 5 Pillars of Islam?

In this intricately woven tapestry of faith known as Islam, five threads weave seamlessly together to form the Five Pillars, each holding a place of profound significance. Each Pillar is linked not just to the spiritual, but also to the…

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Why is Asr Prayer Important? Importance in Quran and Hadith

As one of the essential components of a Muslim's life, prayers, or "Salah", hold an immense place of primacy in Islam. Among the five compulsory prayers, the Asr prayer is the afternoon prayer and stands as a symbol of a…

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2023 Significance of Biography (Seerah) of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

The study of Seerah, the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is not merely an exploration of history, but a profound journey into the essence of Islam itself. It serves as a timeless beacon, illuminating the path toward righteousness and moral…

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Fatwa: Its Importance and Impact in 2024

Today, in 2024, Fatwa's role isn't just re­ligious, it influences our lives daily. This blog by Darussalam untangles­ Fatwa's tricky aspects, answering your questions about its importance and influence. Looking to understand its part in personal decisions? Wondering about its effect on…

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